Did you know...?
Did you know the word sin occurs 447 times in your King James Bible?
Did you know the word blood occurs 447 times in your King James Bible?
For every sin, there is enough blood to cover it in your King James Bible!
However, in the NIV the word sin occurs 473 times.
And, in the NIV the word blood occurs 406 times.
The NIV has more sin in it and less blood!
Did you know that the word grace shows up 170 times in your King James Bible?
In the NIV, the word grace only occurs 131 times.
The NIV has more sin and less grace!
Did you know that the word rebel occurs 14 times in 13 verses in the KJV?
(13 is the number of rebellion)
In the NIV, the word rebel occurs 18 times in 18 verses.
The NIV has more rebellion and less grace!
Did you know the word Satan appears 55 times in your King James Bible?
(5 is the number of death!)
The word Satan only appears 53 times in the NIV.
The NIV takes Satan's name out in order to hide his authorship!
Did you know the NIV has 60,000 words missing when compared to the KJV?
The NIV weighs a lot less than the KJV!